Friday, February 19, 2010

Schools spy on kids through webcam

"According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families. The issue came to light when the Robbins's child was disciplined for "improper behavior in his home" and the Vice Principal used a photo taken by the webcam as evidence. The suit is a class action, brought on behalf of all students issued with these machines."
Read more here :

Classhole 2

Recent Fascination with Shane Dawson?

Well technically I wouldn't call it a fascination but more like a
"I'm bored and have nothing else to watch online, lets watch Shane Dawson!"

Here is what I am talking about

So this Shane Dawson guy right? I found this Parody/Spoof of Lada Gaga's song Bad R omance and when I saw it I immediately fell in love with it because not only was it funny but it was also something that really got stuck in my head.

Like you know when those annoying songs keep playing over and over again? And it's so bad that you even start writing down some of the lyrics?

Or is that just me?

And I love the 'nerd' look on Shane than his original one. I love his hair.

But I'm more of a 'Black' hair lover -insert over dramatic heart here because blogger is being gay-

Clammy over and out

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Crap. He got away.

Listening to -
Lady gaga- Poker Face
Mood- Bitchy

So today I go on facebook and decide to visit this gut's facebook.
Yeah a guy. I had a weee little crush on this one guy.
Nowadays it seems as if my hormones were all over the place.
So this guy turns out he moved/ Transferred. Poof.
I feel really depressed now. He's one of the 5 people I ever had a crush on and like all of them. I never make a move to even talk to them, know them, get close to them. I am that horribly shy and lame.

Thats another thign I hate. I'm so shy that i'm afraid to take risks. Such as talking to boys.
Some boys.
But i'm not afraid to punch a random stranger?

Also the fact that people use the RIDICULOUS concept "EMO" is annoying as well.
Emo is not something you should label an individual because it is a stereotype.
It's stupid and shows you can't just think of something wittier or better to say to show how that person is.
I am not Emo.
Emo is a type of music.
Emo stands for emotional.
I am not emotional.
I don't cut myself as followed by one stereotype of Emo
I do not label myself as anything because that’s ignorant.
I do not wear freakishly huge amounts of eyeliner or makeup.
Hell I don't even wear no makeup.
I don't have short hair and bangs all over my face, covering my eyes.
Because that would prevent me from seeing shit.
I don't listen to all that loud punk rock shit or depressed music.
I listen to Lady Gaga because I think she's so jumpy and makes me jumpy.
I don't wear all black.
I am perfectly fine you bastards.
Now I also don't stereotype as well but most ignorant people classify all individuals that do one of these categories as "Emo". And they need someone to punch them in the face for classifying.

I do love their hair though. I find it <3

Anyways. So this guy moved and I really feel horrible I didn’t get to know him. He was kind of cute and seemed funny.
So this is my punishment for being shy and not making a move. But the guy I really seem to have a thing for right now.
Which is a story to tell. And to achieve this. Before valentines day I will send him something.
Keep him guessing.
I'll send him a threat letter. To never move away, never turn gay, never become a druggy.
So fifth time is a charm? ];

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I love you dude on the train

I fell in love with the dude on the train who looked so hot. But he just

turned out to be a chick who looked good as a dude and I suspected

there was something up with that.

I still love you dude, who I originally thought was a dude.

I love Adrogynous people.

They're not afraid to break out the walls of gender implications, gender appearences, gender classifications and just do what they want with their appearance.

I must sound like an idiot but something about a chick who looks like a cute guy just makes me feel like 'Wow, this chick seriously rocks on and looks cute'.

I wish I can do that %100. I can't really pass off as a guy. But one day!

The only problem with me not passing off as a guy is my weight. I can obviously tell i'm a female and so would others. And to fix this i'll gi back to tae kwon do classes, lose the fat and let down some chicks who think i'm a dude.

This is why I hate cats

Love it when a cat rubs against you?

When it "Meows" like a baby? They're evil.

This is why I always thought something was up with them.
Mostly because their fur gets all over me

Cats rub up against to declare you their property.

"Cats, like many other animals, are packed full of pheromone-oozing scent glands that are primarily used to communicate with other cats on such hot topics as identity, sexual availability and territorial ownership. The most active and important glands that a cat uses to send these messages are located on the tail, the side of the body and the face. Thus, when a cat rubs up against your legs or slides its face along your hand, it is engaging these glands in order to leave its unique scent on you. That scent in turn communicates to any other animals in the vicinity that not only is it, say, female and horny, but that you, the human, belong to her. When a cat brushes against your legs, it's less a furry hug and more of a prison yard tattoo. "

For all you know, you've been owned/Pwned D:

The next time you have a cat rub up against you remember, you might just be their sex buddy or lover D;


If you don't know him.


He is the awesomest of awesome stick figures there ever was.

And one handsome dude.

I would do him if he weren't so thin ];

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